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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-346

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342 faculty of medicine In the absence of the Warden the House Physician or in 16 his absence the Senior House Surgeon on duty is held pa ient responsible for the due order of the Resident Officers and except Medical Students attend such Lectures men Each In-Patient Clinical Clerk and Dresser shall be in vi attendance at the Hospital and prepared to enter the wards re11 a1nl not later than 10 or earlier if required by Resident sixmoD Medical Officer Senior Dressers must in turn remain at the Urlyal Hospital as long as is necessary to assist the House Surgeons WmX in their days of duty The Clerks may attend one hour later anil pre on those days on which the Physician to whom they ofto ן are attached does not visit the Hospital The Clerks and Physici Dressers shall enter their names and the hour of their hen arrival in the book provided for that purpose and placed in on Mid the Office Those Clerks and Dressers who are certified and th by the Dean of the Medical Faculty to be attending Childre Lectures at King's College shall be in attendance in the jtp wards not later than 10 15 on the days on which they Ljjp served If vacancy should occur in the office of Physician's ni othi Assistant during the usual period of time for which it is held Aactic ΙΜ at the י bis to he In nation the Assistant House Physician shall succeed to the appoint- ment for the time of office still unexpired provided he pos- sesses the proper qualifications and complies with the conditions laid down in the Calendar relating to the Phy sician's Assistant and that the Physicians of the Hospital severally certify that he is suitable officer for the appoint- ment The Assistant House Accoucheur is promoted to the office of Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant under similar Hi circumstances and conditions If these conditions be not ftirnisi complied with the vacancies in the above appointments will ίΦ1 be filled up by examination in the usual way Should vacancy occur in any office held by Student at the Hospital except that of Physician's Assistant or Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant it will be announced as vacant and be filled up for the unexpired term in the usual way י fepat
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