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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-344

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340 faculty of medicine Examinations of candidates to fill the Resident and Assi8 tant Resident offices and the Senior Dres erships will be held on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday October 9-11 1893 and on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday March 5-7 1894 The appointments severally take effect from the 1st November and the 1st May following None but Matriculated Students are allowed to become candidates for any of these appointments but when there are any vacancies for Clerkships or Dresserships non- Matriculated Students may be appointed Before Student can be admitted to any of these appoint- ments the Council will require report on his character and conduct from the Principal and in case of his having pre- viously held any office in the Hospital from the Committee of Management Any Resident Medical Officer who shall offer himself for appointment to any higher or similar office in the Hospital must produce to the Council before election Certificate from the Committee of Management testifying to his good conduct and the proper discharge of his duty during his past period of office Special notice will be sent to the Dean of the Medical Faculty in any case in which doubt may arise as to the propriety of granting this Certificate Student sending in his name as candidate for any office thereby signifies his willingness and intention if elected to discharge in person the duties of that office for the entire period of six months Candidates must give in their names to the Dean of the Medical Faculty at least three clear days before the exami- nation No Student shall be permitted to hold two offices at tbe Hospital at the same time except with the authority of the Dean No Student shall be allowed to fill the office of Clinical lerk or Dresser to Physician or Surgeon to ln-patients unless he shall have previously passed the Anatomy and Physiology Examination of the Conjoint Board or its equivalent
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