Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 321
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faculty of medicine 317 1884 Sandifer Henry Stephen Beach Thomas Boswall 1885 Soutter David Luther 1886 Gilpin Bernard Bovill Coffin Ernest Maitland Tause 1888 Penny Frederick Septimus Sprawson Frederick Charles 1889 Crawfurd Raymond Henry Storrs Eric Gleadow Jacob Frank Harwood 1890 Schaub Justus Martin Townsend Meredith Milton Bell William Blair Good Hardman Allgood 1891 Cowie Robert Macnamara Ross Alexander Michael 1892 Plummer Edgar Curnow Fenn Charles Edward Briscoe John Charlton Class II For the Encouragement of Resident Medical Students One Scholarship is awarded at the close of each Summer Session of the value of Ā£25 per annum to be held for two years subject to the provisions hereafter stated This Scholarship is open to such Matriculated Students of the third year as have for 18 months preceding the end of their third Winter Session resided either writhin the walls of the College or with member of the Medical Staff authorized by the Council to receive Medical Students into his house as Boarders One hundred marks are in the Examination for this Scholarship assigned to Divinity Any Candidate failing to get fifty marks in this subject is disqualified from further examination
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