Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 318
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314 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Tuesday October 10 to 12 Greek to French Wednesday October 10 to 11 30 Arithmetic 11 30 to Algebra 30 to Euclid Thursday October 10 to 12 German to Latin The subjects for Examination will be Divinity Old Testament -Genesis and Exodus New Tfslament -The Gospel according to St Matthew The Church Catechism -Books recommended Rarrv's Notes on the Catechism or Maclear's Class Book of the Catechism of the Church of England English -Shakespeare "Hamlet History -The History of England from 1640 to 1670 Text-Book-Bright's History of England Latin -Cicero De Senectute" and "Pro Archia Greek -Xenophon Anabasis Book French -Erckmann-Chatrian 44 Histoire d'un Paysan German Lessing Minna von Barnhelm with study of the author's life as contained in the Clarendon Press edition Mathematics -Arithmetic Algebra as far as and including Quadratic Equations together vith Proportion and Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression Euclid Books -IV or the subjects thereof
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