Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 310
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306 FACULTY OF MEDICINE 1889 Soutter Mansfield Knox 1890 Adams Edmund Weaver Smith William Robert 1891 Penny Frederick Septimus French Herbert Cumming 1892 Crawfurd Raymond Henry Bousfield Arthur Vim This Prize has been founded by the friends of the lat Robert Bentley Todd for the encouragement those attending the Medical Clinical Lectures at King College Hospital The Prize consists of Bronze Medal and 41 4s in boob and is awarded annually to the most deserving candidate the third or fourth year students The next Examination will be held on Friday July 1894 Candidates are required- To write from memorv an account of such cases occurrin in the practice of the Physicians during the current acad mical year as shall be selected by the Examiners To examine and report upon actual patients submitte to them in the wards of the Hospital Names of Prizemen 1863 Kempthorne Henry Law 1864 Powles Revett Coleridge 1865 Kelly Charles 1866 Dabbs George Henry Roque 1867 Fiddian Alexander Paull 1868 Pedler George Henry 1869 Lvell Robert Wishart 1870 Warner Francis 1871 Birch Robert 1872 Philpot Joseph Henry
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