Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 297
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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 293 Junior Scholarships Three in each year of £20 tenable for one year All Matriculated Students of this Faculty being also perpetual Pupils of the Hospital may compete for these Scholarships at the end of their first Winter and Summer Medical Sessions For full particulars see pages 329-331 iDIass ψχψ antr ODmificates Prizes are awarded for proficiency in the several subjects of Anatomy Physiology and Practical Physiology Chemistry and Practical Chemistry Materia Medica Surgery Clinical Surgery Medicine and Clinical Medicine Obstetric Medicine Forensic Medicine Comparative Anatomy and Practical Biology Animal and Hygiene These consist of Books of the value of £3 and are given to the highest Student in the Examination provided that such Student exhibits sufficient merit to entitle him to receive prize Certificates of Honour are also given to such Candidates for the above Prizes as the respective Professors consider entitled to receive them Special Certificates of Merit are also awarded to those Pupils who are most distinguished in the written examinations held in the several classes during the Winter and Summer Sessions ambroofce JiMrtcal an& Surgical 1a£gtstrnrsi tps These Registrar ships were founded May 10 1867 by Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke Esq of 32 Eaton Place regulations Two Registrarships are established for Medical and Surgical cases
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