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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-292

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288 faculty of medicine Insanity -A Course of Lectures at the College and ot Demonstrations at the City of London Asylum is given every summer Morbid Anatomy -Demonstrations and Practical Instruction in Morbid Anatomy are given by the Physicians Surgeons and the Professor of Pathology in the Post-mortem Theatre of the Hospital Practical Pharmacy This subject is taught in the Hospital by the Head Dispenser Fee SI 3s Tb Fhysician's-Assistant House Surgeons Physician-Accouch- eur's Assistant Ophthalmic Clinical Assistant as well as the Assistant Officers Clinical Clerks and Dressers are all chosen tli from the Matriculated Students of the Medical Department Η The Resident Officers have their rooms and commons free Registrars -A permanent record of every case received into the Wards of King5s College Hospital is kept by the Sam- brooke Medical and Surgical Registrars ENDOWED PHIZES SCHOLARSHIPS EXHIBITIONS AND REGISTRARSHIPS Endowed Prizes For full conditions &c see pp 301 &c Heatijcs' Jpri cs The interest of 300 bequeathed by the late Leathes Esq is expended annually in the purchase of Bible and Prayer-Bcok which are given to the two Medical Students who are found most worthy of the same for their proficiency in religious knowledge and for general good conduct These Prizes were founded by the Rev Dr Warneford for the encouragement of the study of Theology among tiie Matriculated Medical Students of Kind's College
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