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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-281

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 277 The Hygienic Laboratory is open to Students for Practical nstruction in the Methods of Analysis Chemical Micro- copical &c of Water Air Foods and the detection of dulterations in Foods and Drugs &c Bacteriology and Comparative Pathology -The Laboratory as founded by Professor Crookshank in 1886 to meet the reat demand which existed for lectures and practical in- traction in Bacteriology and for facilities to prosecute searches into the causes and nature of the communicable iseases of man and the lower animals and the best means preventing or treating these diseases so as to carry on he work which had hitherto been conducted almost entirely the laboratories in France and Germany Surgery -This Laboratory under the management of 'rofessor Cheyne is recent addition to the College and is ractically unique in London As examples of the varied inds of work done in it may be mentioned the preparation all the necessary teaching materials for the lectures on ystematic surgery the taking of photographs of hospital ases and the preparation from these of slides to be used in intern demonstrations at each lecture on surgery and the reparation and photographing under the microscope of ections of all morbid growths removed from cases in the ospital The photographs of the sections are used for intern demonstration Tutorial classes in Surgery and lurgical Pathology are held three times week for Senior nd Junior Students and original research is carried on by he Professor of Surgery and others
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