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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-275

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 271 First Examination of the Examining Board in England irt Chemistry and Physics Second Winter Session -Anatomy Lectures and Practical lysiology Lectures and Practical Second Examination of the Examining Board in England natomy and Physiology Second Summer Session -Elementary Practical Medicine Surgery Pharmacology and Therapeutics Lectures it-patient dressership Third Winter Session -Medicine Lectures Surgery 3ctures Medical and Surgical Practice and Clinical 3ctures Post-mortem Demonstrations Out-patient clerk- ip Third Summer Session Midwifery and Diseases of romen Lectures Forensic Medicine Lectures Pathology actures and Practical Pathology Medical and Surgical actice and Clinical Lectures Post-mortem Demonstrations 1-patient clerkship or dressership Fourth Winter Session -Medicine Lectures Surgery ectures Operative Surgery Medical and Surgical raetice and Clinical Lectures Post-mortem Demonstra- 8מכ In-patient clerkship or dressership Fourth Summer Session Midwifery and Diseases of ron1en Lectures Second Course Public Health Lectures sychological Medicine Lectures and Demonstrations at cognised Lunatic Asylum Medical and Surgical Practice id Clinical Lectures Clinical Gynaecology Post-mortem emonstrations Clerkship or dressership in special de- irtments eye throat skin gynecology Third Examination of Examining Board in England art Medicine including Medical Anatomy Pathology harmacology Therapeutics Forensic Medicine and Public ealth Part II Surgery including Pathology Surgical natomy and Apparatus Part III Midwifery and Diseases 3culiar to Women -Part III may be taken at the inal Examination
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