Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 270
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266 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Drawing tip of Reports Practical Instruction will be given in the uses of Sanitary Appliances at the Parkes' Museum Margaret Street Regent Street Laboratories of State Medicine Professor William Smith Sc Director Huntly Assoc Sc Lond Demonstrator Practical Instruction will be given in the Methods of Analysis of Air Water Foods &c Detection of Poisons The Laboratories are also available for original investiga- ו ן ions and practical work in Public Health and Toxicology The Laboratories are open daily from 10 to and on Saturdays to For full information see page 372 Comparative Anatomy and Bacteriology Ε Crookshank Professor Hewlett Demonstrator Courses of Lectures and Practical Demonstrations are given during every term and also in connexion with the Post-Graduate course of lectures -Syllabus Microscope -Lenses-Spherical aberration-Chromatic aberration-Dry water and oil immersion objectives-The Stand-Ross model-Jackson model Illumination-Daylight and Artificial light-Abbe con- denser-Microscopical accessories-Micro-photography Microscopical methods -Examination of fresh speci- mens-Aniline dyes-Ehrlich's method-Gram method Preparation of morbid specimens-Embedding-Celloidin Microtomes and section cutting Cultivation methods -Principles of sterilization-Bac- teriological apparatus-Preparation of nutrient gelatine Preparation of nutrient agar-agar glycerine agar-agar blood-serum potato cultivations
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