Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 269
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Page content
faculty of medicine 265 Psychological Medicine White Professor Course of Lectures on Psychological Medicine is ivered on Fridays during the Summer Session and monstrations on Mental cases are regularly given at the of London Asylum on Saturdays in illustration of the ctures Hygiene Charles Kelly Professor course of Lectures will be given on Thursdays in the aimer Session Syllabus jeneral Summary of the Statute Laws relating to Public alth Duties of Medical Officers of Health rhe influence of Unhealthy Trades Overcrowding &c nfant Hygiene School Hygiene Physical Exercise Foods Their Classification Adulterations Diseases con- ted with Food Calculation of Diets The Energy obtain- from Food Water Supply Methods of Filtration Constant and ermitting Systems Diseases communicated by Water &c Construction of Dwellings General and Fever Hospitals Drainage and Sewerage Works Methods of Sewage 5posal rhe Air Ventilation Meteorology fatal Statistics Calculation of Birth $nd Death Rates Spidemic and Contagious Diseases Vleasures for staying the Spread of Infection Isolation infection Vaccination Quarantine
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