Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 263
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faculty of medicine 259 the Preliminary Scientific and Sc Examinations of the University of London are held regularly throughout the Academical Year Chemical Physics Herroun This class is held twice week during the Summer Session and follows the syllabus of the Conjoint Examining Board in England Surgery Principles and Practice Cheyne CM Professor Gr Chbatle Demonstrator This Course is divided as follows General Surgery The morbid and reparative processes occurring in the body so far as these relate to the principles and practice of Surgery The effects of injuries The general principles of treatment of surgical injuries and diseases Special Sure cry The nature and treatment of the injuries and surgical diseases affecting particular parts of the body II Practical Surgery Carless 13 Minor Surgery Burghakd Demonstrates in CheatlEj Surgical Pathology χ ע Rj c& The Class meets in sections in the Museum of the College where specimens of Surgical Morbid Anatomy are exhibited and explained to them Special instruction will be given in these Classes to Students preparing for the Pass Examination of the Conjoint Examining Board in England and the Universities
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