Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 260
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256 faculty of medicine Practical Animal Biology During the Winter and Summer Sessions special classes of Elementary Biology for the first conjoint examination of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons will be held in the Physiological Laboratory under the special charge of Mr Beale For hours see page 280 During the Winter and Summer Sessions Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms Classes are held in Practical Animal Biology in the Physiological Laboratory under the charge of Mr Brodie The Students are taught the various methods of investigating the Structure and Life History of the leading forms of Animals It is intended that this Course shall comprehend the practical knowledge and manual dexterity required for the Intermediate Examination in Science and the Preliminary Scientific Examination of the University of London For more extensive study of the tissues of the higher animals Students are recommended to join the Course of Practical Physiology Comparative Anatomy and Zoology Jeffrey Bell Professor Course of two Lectures week will be given in the Winter Session in which the subject will be treated as com- pletely as time permits The Invertebrata will form the subject of the Lectures before and the Vertebrata that of those after Christmas These Lectures cover the Science Examinations of the Universities and the Primary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons England The Museum is provided with the specimens required by the Student and the Professor will give advice or assistance as to the manner in which they should be studied
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