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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-222

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218 FACULTY OF SCIENCE They will have no emoluments but will be charged no fees They will be officially recognized in the documents of the College as Student Demonstrators and at the conclu- sion of their Course will receive from the Professors such testimonials as their character and work shall justify Names of Student Demonstrators Electrical Engineering 1892 Lydall Francis Brazil James 1893 Adlard Howard Tindale Highfield John Sommerville Atchison Charles Claremont Greenham George Frederick Mechanical Engineering 1892 Abbott John Hallen 1893 Natural Philosophy 1893 VII Entrance 23xttftuttons Two College Exhibitions of 15 each and two of 10 each will be given in October 1893 to the Students who pass the best Examination on entering this Faculty at that time Subjects of Examination- Arithmetic Algebra Plane Trigonometry ύ Euclid Books -IV Definitions of VI XL to 21 The Examination will begin on Wednesday Oct at 10 Names of Candidates must be sent to the Secretary before on the preceding day These Exhibitions will be payable in equal instalments at the end of each of the Student's first six Terms at King's College London provided he has been in attendance
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