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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-22

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18 Btns'f College Εοπϊοπ iuas founKcK tu 1828 bv IftoDal Charter antt foa£ rc tncorporatet im &ct of parliament in 1882 Cl follofoing is an extract from tlje ftoiial Charter confirmed מ tlje College Hct of parliament Sec "2Uttr toe ΐίο fjerebg infll antr oruatn tljat tf Various branches Qi literature antt Science ana also ti octrines antr uttes of ilijrisitanitij as tije same are inculcated bn llje Snttctf QL nxd of tSnglanlr anli Ireland sljall fie taught in tije sato College under ujc superintendence of principal or otljer caci professors ϊ Ό Tutors or sucf 0tl er JWasters or instructors as si all from 1'rce to time be appointed in tbc manner hereinafter mentioned
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