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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-196

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192 faculty of science 11 The Art and Scientific Principles of Photography The Course of instruction in Photography is theoretical and practical in those branches which are deemed most generally useful to Students in the Department of Applied Sciences Besides instruction in the ordinary process of Photography with the Nitrate of Silver bath the practical work embraces the preparation of pyroxoline of collodion of sensitive emulsions and dry plates the method of using dry plates for portraiture landscape photography copying diagrams and maps photographing machines and the interior of buildings also Silver Platinum and Carbon Printing It is also intended if time permits that the applications of Photography to research in Spectrum Analysis and Micro- scopy shall form special branch of instruction Hours 11 30-12 45 on Monday These Lessons are intended for those Students who have completed six Terms in this Department but those of the first or second year may by permission of the Dean attend on payment of fee of 3s per Term glass house has been erected and in connexion with it Laboratory for the preparation of Photographic chemicals In addition to the regular Lectures to the Matriculated Students in this Division Private Instruction is also given in theoretical and practical Photography to such gentlemen as may wish to avail themselves of the Lecturer's services Each Student must on entering this Class provide himself with Lens Camera Dark Slides and Camera Stand
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