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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-192

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Page content

Γ 188 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Division of elements into metals and non-metals ί 'ί'ίΖ tropic French and English weights and measures Calculation reparatio the weight and volume of gases at the standard temperature ן ןז1ןןן and pressure ί Sulphi Atoms and molecules atomic and molecular weights hesulphc Atomic and molecular formulas and equations Specific heat and atomic heat of the elements Hydrogen -Diffusion of Gases Balloons Inflammation and Explosion of Gases Oxygen -Combustion Action of the Atmospheric Oxygen pro Jjmaoni Saltpet ---Ο υ--------------י --------------------x σ upon Non-Metals and Metals Utility of Metals dependent SHric upon their relations to Oxygen Oxides Acids Bases ana anal Salts Water -Analysis and Synthesis Electrolysis Determina of the Composition of Water Fulminal Acid Chemical Relations of Water to other Substances -Slacking of Yf Lime Crystallisation of Metallic Salts Effects of Dry and Moist Air upon Salts ftephos Natural Forms Water Itain Spring Saline and Mineral iim Waters Hard and Soft Waters Sea Water Boiler incrus- ay tations Formation of Calcareous Deposits in Nature Pro- cesses for softening Waters Action of Water upon Lead Organic Matter in Waters how to decide upon the character of Water-supply Purification of Water Distillation Hydrogen Dioxide -Its preparation and properties Ozone mk arsenic Boroi tri-oxid Silico fluoride 8ilicates Chlorine -Theory of bleaching Hydrochloric Acid iCarJ Oxides and the following oxy-acids of chlorine viz Lamp Hypochlorous chloric and per-chloric acids preparation coal or properties and composition of Composition and preparation varietie of bleaching powder Bromine and hydrobromic and bromic acids from Iodine and hydriodic iodic and periodic acids Iodides Fluorine -Hydrofluoric acid Etching on glass 0ו
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