Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 184
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180 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Theory of Machines and analysis of mechanisms Theory of steam-engine and boiler simply treated Design and construction of simple details Third Year Monday 30-2 30 Tuesday 10 30-11 30 Thursday 2-3 General continuation of work of junior class More advanced study of the theory of the steam-engine and boiler-Heat engines in general Hot-air and gas engines י ft יי Friction and efficiency of machines-efficiency of Steam engine-methods of testing steam-engines and other machines Valves and valve-gears-Governors-Twisting-moment in Crank-shafts-Theory of propulsion and the resistance of ships-Screw-propellers Other special subjects will be treated according to the requirements of students Engineering Laboratory In the Laboratory students have the means of acquiring thorough knowledge of the nature and properties of the materials employed by engineers and their behaviour under stress They also investigate the scientific data which form the basis of theoretical calcuia- tions and learn the methods by which such experimental results are determined and the precautions necessary to obtain accuracy Students are thus enabled to gauge the limits within which any data may be relied upon and are familiar- ized with the means by which they may obtain fresh deter- minations where such are required Advanced students are encouraged to make original investigations for themselves in some one of the many directions in which additional data are required The importance of such training to engineers who in after life will frequently be called upon to solve problem in new and untried fields is very great It can only he ac- quired in College Laboratory and forms one of the most important portions of the Student's theoretical course The experimental apparatus comprises Gas Engine Nominal specially fitted for exhaustive engine trials
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