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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-175

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engineering 171 Second Year First Division -Differential and Integral Calculus Higher Igebra and Trigonometry Spherical Trigonometry or 1eory of Equations Second Division -Algebra and Trigonometry continued 30metrical Conic Sections and Algebraic Geometry Third and Fourth Divisions -Euclid VI -XI and Men- ration Algebra and Trigonometry with Logarithms con- med Geometrical Conic Sections Third Year First Division -Integral Calculus Differential Equations alytical Solid Geometry Higher Algebra and Trigo- metry revision Theory of Equations or Spherical igonometry Second Division -Elementary Differential Calculus A1- bra revision Spherical Trigonometry Third Division -Algebra and Trigonometry revision mentary Algebraic Geometry Students who are sufficiently advanced may proceed to the 50nd or third year subjects in their first year ο Ο Mechanics Natural Philosophy phys1cg Hours of attendance st Year ί Mechanics Monday and Thursday 11 45 to Physi S1CS Wednesday and Friday 12 45 and and Third Phyeice Years Monday and Thursday to Monday Wednesday and Thursday 10 20 to 11 40 STon-Matriculated Students can attend with either class they may attend the Experimental Lectures only on dnesday and Friday at 11 45 and on Monday and ursday at Iubjects of First Year theoretical Elementary Principles -Measurement of the relative Posi- of Points Principles of Resolution and Composition of tances Displacements Velocities and Forces
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