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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-167

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Λ 11 It t1 IS ORIENTAL SECTION 163 with the School by experts or specialists in any of the foregoing subjects The classes which the School of Modern Oriental Studies comprises are divided under two heads Division includes classes for all Oriental languages especially required by Students qualifying for examinations for the Indian Civil Service the instruction being of the same character as that provided for some time past at University College and at King's College These classes will be continued at University College and include instruction in Sanscrit Bengali Hindi Hindustani Tamil Telugu Punjabi Pali Marathi Gujarati Arabic and Persian Division II consists mainly of classes for Modern Oriental Languages other than the Indian Languages The courses of tuition will be of practical rather than of xn academic character they will have particular reference commercial and official requirements and to the facilitation colloquial intercourse with natives of Oriental countries The classes under this Division will be conducted at King's ollege and comprise Colloquial Arabic Modern Greek Collo- uial Persian Kussian Armenian Turkish Chinese Burmese Japanese Malay and Swaheli There will be three terms of about ten weeks in each year follows Autumn Term-commencing about the beginning of October Spring Term-commencing about the middle of January Summer Term-commencing early in May fee of Three Guineas per term will have to be paid in Ivance by each Student for each language taken up for istruction This payment will entitle the Student to the use ithin the College of text books dictionaries and works of Terence required in connection with the particular language ught and to the use of all the facilities which it is proposed י secure in the development of the School ר
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