Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 121
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Page content
FACULTY OF ARTS 117 identities Easy Equations General Expressions for all angles with the same Trigonometrical Ratio Formulae for the Sum and Difference of two Angles and ormulse Deducible from them Multiple and Subrnultiple angles Inverse Notations Harder Transformations and Equations Logarithms and the use of the Tables Properties of the Angles and Sides of Triangle Solution 3f Triangles Circles in Connection with Triangle Sides xnd Areas of Regular Polygons Third Year Tues Wed Fri 11 45-12 45 First Division Integral Calculus The Meaning of Integration Integration by various methods Areas Volumes Lengths Surfaces Application of Integral Calculus to Mechanical Problems Differential Equations Exact and Homogeneous Differen- ial Equations Differential Equations of various types Singular Solutions Separation of Symbols Solid Geometry The Straight Line and Plane Surfaces of the Second Degree Tangent Planes Tangent Lines Curvature Second Division Differential Calculus As Second Year First Division and generally the Third Year attend the Divisions of the Second Year that are suitable to their progress In all the divisions exercises are set to be done at home Exercises are also done under supervision in class The following books are recommeded for use in the various divisions Barnard Smith and Hudson's Arithmetic Mac- millan Hall and Stevens' Euclid Macmillan Deakin's Rider Papers Macmillan Smith's Algebra Macmillan or Elementary Algebra Lock's Trigonometry Macmillan or Elementary Trigonometry Taylor's Geometry of Conies Bell Smith's Conic Sections Macmillan Brabant's Mensuration Rivingtons Wilson's Solid Geometry Mac- millan Todhunter's Theory of Equations Macmillan Muir's Determinants Macmillan Todhunter's Spherical
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