Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 119
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Page content
faculty of arts 115 Second Year Mon Wed Thur8 Fri 11 45-12 45 First Division Geometry Theory of Harmonic Section and its implications Central and Focal properties of Conies by pure and co-ordinate Geometry Theory of poles and polars vith respect to Conies Differential Calculus and Theory of Curves Meaning Limit and of Differential Coefficient Differentiation tfaxima and Minima Tangents and Normals to Curves Expansions Indeterminate Forms Elimination Envelopes Curvature Asymptotes Tracing of Curves from their equations igher Trigonometry Exponential and Logarithmic Series Calculation of Logarithms De Moivre's Theorem the 1th roots of Exponential Values of s'mx and cosx Expansions Factors of x2n 2xn comO hyperbolic functions Summation of Series Spherical Trigonometry Great and Small Circles Polar Triangles Analogies with Euclid Fundamental Relations Napier's Analogies Gauss's or Delambre's Theorems Geo- netrical Proofs for Right Angled Triangles Oblique Angled Wangles Ambiguous Cases Inscribed and Circumscribed circles Spherical Excess Areas Legendre'sTheorem Roy's iule Geometrical Theorems connected with Area including jexelPs Theorem Determinants Elementary Notions and Definitions Signs nterchanges Addition or Subtraction of Rows or Columns Minors Addition Development Reduction and Multiplica- ion of Determinants Solution of System of Linear Equations Reciprocal Determinants Second Division Geometrical Conies Definitions more Simple General roperties Parabola Ellipse Hyperbola Easy Exercises Algebra Permutations Combinations Binomial Theorem lomogeneous Products Partial Fractions Exponential and
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