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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1893-1894-114

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110 faculty of arts both in Prose and Verse Besides the work which is done the Lecture Room the Students are expected to prepare given portion of Roman and Greek History for each Colleg Examination as well as an additional Classical subject In addition to the work of the First Division specia Advanced Class is held on Tuesday and Friday morning fo Students who are reading for Open Scholarships at Oxford Cambridge or the Higher Examinations of the University London Professor Warr's Lectures on Ancient History an Literature Monday afternoon may also be attended Matriculated Students of this Department without extra fee Lectures will be given and papers periodically set bj Mr Hetherington on Greek and Latin Philology and Grammar The Subjects for the Examination of the University London are read in the First Division those for the Intermediate Examination in Arts and the Greek Subject foi Matriculation January are read in the Second Division the Subjects for Matriculation June and the Latin Subject foi Matriculation January are read in the Third Division Subjects for Lectures 1893-94 The Subjects appointed to be read for the Matriculation Intermediate in Arts and Examinations at the Uni- versity of London viz Matriculation January 1894 Ovid Tristia III Euripides Hercules Furens "" June 1894 Sallust Catiline Xenophon Hellenics III Intermediate in Arts July 1894 Tacitus Histories Horace Epistles Herodotus VIII Pass Examination October 1894 Cicero ad Atticum IV Terence Phormio Aristophanes Vespae Extra Subjects for Examination at Christmas 1893 Roman History 78-31
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