Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 111
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jTacultg ot Urts Seneral Literature Dean of the Department for 1893-94 Professor Hudson Under this Faculty Students are prepared for She Universities particularly for the Matriculation Inter- mediate in Arts and Examination of the University of London and for the Profession of Teaching receive the general education necessary for Holy Orders the Bar the Indian Civil Service and other professions and employ- ments -ל ע The Michaelmas Term 1893 begins Oct and ends Dec 20 Lent 1894 Jan 11 Mar 21 Easter 1894 April 12 July Ash Wednesday Ascension Day "Whit Monday and the days appointed for the celebration of the Queen's birthday and the Prince of Wales's birthday are kept as holidays II The following are the subjects of the lectures with the names of the Professors and Lecturers Divinity see page 109 Rev Wace Principal Rev Knowling Vice-Principal Greek and Latin see page 109 Warr Professor Hetherington Lecturer
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