Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 892
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Page content
IN DEX PAG Κ Rabbeth Scholarship- Rules 290 Endowment Appendix xxix Residence of Students- Pupils of School 557 In College 599 In Private Families 304 Rollit Prize- Rules 572 Roman Law Evening Class- Lectures 439 Fees 456 Rules lor Students G4 Salter's Exhibition- Regulations 565 Sambrooke Registrarships- Regulation 29s Names of Registrars 302 Endowment Append χ xxvi Sanibrooke Exhibitions- Regulations 86 129 21 296 63 Endowment Append χ xxiv Scholarships Endowed- Worsley 95 56A Inglis 125 560 Warneford 28fl Daniell 291 Rabbeth 295 Forest β Scholarships Unendowed- Medical School Mathematical 563 School King's College- Masters' Names General Arrangements Workshop Gymnasium London Matriculation Army Class Rules as to Admission General Rules Dining Hall &c Vacations Examinations Fees Athletic Club Use of Books Residence of Pupils Regulations forenferingColl Scholarships Exhibitions Annual Prizes Terminal Prizes Rite of Confirmation Old Boys' Club Prizes to whom given Names of Pupils Schools in Union- Regulationsand Privileges Prizemen School of Art Instruction Fees Prizes Science Department of Professors' Names llabusof Lectures Regula ions Prizes Fees Hours of Attendance Associateship Science Scholarshipsand Exhibi- tions See Cloth workers' Scientific Union Secretary Name of Shorthand Evtn ng la מיי Lectures Fees Hours of Attendance Siemens1 MeOal and Prize- Rules Endowment Appendix Skinners' Exhibition Spanish Evening Class- Lectures Fees Hours of Attendance Stephen Prize Regulations Endowment Appendix Students' Boxes for Gowns &cM Students' Rooms Surgery- Lectures Fees Hours of Attendance Surveyingand Civil Engineering See La11 Survt ημ Tanner Prize- Regulations Endowment Appendix Teaching Theory and Practical- Classes Fees flours Technical Instruction- Building Construction Wood Carving Ten flint Prizes- Regulations Endowment Appendix 54 541 δ 17 £48 548 49 550 Γ51 558 554 554 555 ί 557 557 550 574 580 5S0 58 583 503 677
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