Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 875
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CLOTHWORKERS' AND SAMBROOKE EXHIBITIONS clxXXVU IV -Cl rmt£ tv1 Describe what you consider the chemical relationships and differences between the elements sulphur and oxygen Illus- trate your answer by examples What is meant by the term dialysis How may the soluble variety of silicic acid be prepared Give the formulae of ortho and meta-silicic acids Two colourless gases are mixed in the proportions of to by volume Brown fumes appear on mixing them over water and contraction takes place What are the two gases and what substance is produced in the reaction י What experimental evidence can you mention to show that the composition of ammonia may be regarded as NH3 What is the name and formula of the substance pro- duced by the distillation of sulphuric acid with phosphoric chloride Show by their formulae the difference between sulphite sulphate and thio-sulphate -Zoologn Describe Amoeba and discuss the following statement- The higher animals we learn from morphological studies may be regarded as groups of Amceboe peculiarly associated together Describe the modes of reproduction and the reproduc- tive organs when such are specially developed in Vorticella Hydra and Lumbricus Describe the organs of circulation respiration and ex- cretion in the Frog Explain with sketch the arrangement of parts in the fore-brain of Vertebrates in general How is it developed in the embryo Mention the special features exhibited re- spectively by the fore-brains of Fowl Frog and Babbit Dissect the general nervous system of the Pigeon
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