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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-870

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clxXXli warneford scholarships SBer nur jum 3tamm bev xanUn id Befennct £ er be 9iamen3 ftoljer ίφ betonfct rneuert ift ber fanj ber aften $rone Unb ranϊreiφ ulbigt fetnem $onig3fofme Why is the verb folgt in the second line of the above passage put in the singular number In which points does Schiller chiefly deviate in his ungfran fcon Orleans from history Translate into German When Shakespeare died in 1616 there lived in London boy eight years old who was called John Milton He was very clever and his father had him taught Greek and Latin and sent him to Cambridge From Cambridge he went to Italy but when he heard that things were not going on well in England he returned to his country Milton was employed by Cromwell to write for him and he worked so much that he become blind In spite of this Milton continued to work and wrote his great poem'Paradise Lost which he had intended to write when he was young Grammatical Questions What is the gender of nouns ending in me- ett-ig-tttm-fd aft-e Give examples and men- tion some exceptions Decline in both numbers tefer nene JJiantel jene eble £fyat bafleibe au3 fetn beutfd e$ 33ιιφ Show by examples what cases are governed by the following prepositions Jieben-nm-fcon-in bn -tnafjrenb-anf-ldng3-fammt
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