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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-859

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warn ε ford scholarships clxxi What mention is made of the Bermoothes Argier Carthage Tunis Ind England What derivations are suggested for the names Sycorax an Ariel Where did Shakespeare find the name Setebos Explain or try to explain the following passages No hope that way is Another way so high hope that even Ambition cannot pierce wink beyond But doubt discovery there Thy false uncle Being once perfected how to grant suits How to deny them who to advance and who To trash for overtopping new created The creatures that were mine say or changed em Or else new forufd em Thy banks with pioned and twilled brims Which spongy April at thy best betrims The fair soul herself Weigh'd between loathness and obedience at Which end 0' the beam should bow In what sense do these phrases occur viz the Mediter- ranean flote-a putter out of fioe for one-some suhtilties 0' the hie-fellowly drops-by line and level-an excellent pass of pate-with good life and observation strange-a pied ninny ten leagues beyond man's life-a piece of virtue 10 Interpret these words inchmeal-stover-teen bad- fowling-urchin-shows-dowle-foison- frippery-demipuppets -lak'in VI -Ctm-0 tie flmtcttta airt J31 Balbo Translate with historical notes Ti Gracchus regnum occupare conatus est vel regnavit is quidein paucos menses num quid simile populus Romanus audierat aut viderat Hunc etiam post mortem secuti ainici et propinqui quid in Scipione effecerint sine lacrimis non
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