Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 857
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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS clxix Discuss the meaning and importance of the first chapter of Genesis Sketch the history and character of Abraham Illustrate from Joseph's character and history the principles of the Patriarchal religion Explain the comprehensive character of the Decalogue Discuss the character and work of Moses up to the time of the giving of the Law Describe the Tabernacle II- &t fliattijefo'tf o£pe Give the reasons for believing this Gospel to have been written by St Matthew and state what is known of him Is there any inaccuracy in the expression 'St Matthew's Gospelי State the main characteristics of this Gospel as dis- tinguished from those of St Mark and St Luke from that of St John Explain the words Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins Explain the order of the Sermon on the Mount What general account does this Gospel give of our Lord's miracles and what particular miracles are narrated in it ntt itiii- Mention the parables contained in this Gospel and explain any one of them What circumstances are mentioned by St Matthew respecting our Lord's resurrection ill -C Cfjurd Caterf fem What is the purpose of the Catechism Write out the first part as far as the question which precedes the Creed and give explanatory comments upon it Show that the summary of the Creed includes in substance all its articles 112
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