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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-854

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Page content

clxvi medical department Describe the body of the sphenoid Describe the sacro-iliac articulation and its mechanism Give the actions of the muscles attached to the Sacrum II $$p0t'olog What are the chief constituents of the urine Briefly describe three of the most important What differences are there between the blood in the left ventricle and that in the right ventricle To what are these differences due What are the functions of the liver Describe the histological appearances of drop of blood section of articular cartilage Involuntary muscle Explain the terms myograph-latent period-tetanus -rigor mortis-sark0-1 actio acid Enumerate the proximate principles of food and give instances of each Which of these proximate principles are contained in meat bread potatoes cheese milk beef-tea III -C emfetrn What do you understand by the dissociation of com- pound How would you show experimentally the dissociation of ammonium chloride Point out the general relations existing between the elements nitrogen and phosphorus Show how an ortho- phosphate may be converted into pyrophosphate or metaphosphate Explain the terms 1dialysis colloid and crystalloid How is soluble and insoluble silica prepared How is common potash alum made Show by their
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