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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-787

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general literature department Xe transitum opportunum ostendisset transiturus sed cum quantum mare abscedebat tanto altioribus coercentibus aranem ripis non inveniret vada diem terendo spatium dedit ad insequendum sese hosti Ccterum Camillus captivum ex agris secutus ducem castris multa nocte motis prima luce aliquanto superioribus locis se ostendit Triarii Eomani inuniebant alius exercitus proelio intentus stabat Ibi impedire opus conatos hostes fundit fugatque tantumque inde pavoris Faliscis injectum est ut effusa fuga castra sua quae propiora erant praelati urbem peterent Multi caesi vulneratique priusquam paven- tes portis inciderent Obsidio inde urbis et munitiones et interdum per occasionem impetus oppidanorum in Romanas stationes proeliaque parva fieri et ten temnus neutro inch- nata spe quum frumentum copineque aliae ex ante convecto largius obsessis quam obsidentibus suppeterent Videbatur- que aeque diuturnus futurus labor ac Veiis fuisset ni fortuna imperatori Romano simul et cognitae rebus bellicis virtutis specimen et maturam victoriam dedisset For Latin Prose At the very first audience Maximilian let loose storm of passion upon the princes He said that he did not come to ask their advice for he was resolved to make war upon France and he knew that they would dissuade him from it he only wished to hear whether they would support him as they had promised It was possible he said that 110 might accomplish nothing decisive but at any rate he would give the King of France rebuff such as should be remembered for hundred years 41 am betrayed by the Lombards said he am abandoned by the Germans but will not again permit myself to be bound hand and foot and thrust aside as did at Worms War must make and will make let people say what they may Rather than give it up would get release from the oath swore by the altar at Frankfurt for have duties not only to the Empire but to my own house Accordingly having passed safely out of the forest
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