Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 785
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general literature department xcvu those which have no plural of those which change their meaning in the singular and the plural of those which change their gender in the plural Give the gen and ace sing nom and gen plural of sacer-equester-par-dives-celer Compare saluber-benevolus-magnus-humilis-vetus -magnopere-multum-male-fortiter Give the comparative and superlative formed from extra- prae-infra Translate 22-22nd-200-2000 soldiers-18-31- five each-one each-ten times-to one of the two-of him alone -two camps- the second consul-24 hours-365 days- June 30th 1891 Enumerate the demonstrative pronouns give their mean- ing and the gen sing of each 10 Parse and explain the form of the following possem- ferres-rettuli-laudatote-laudatum iri 11 Write out the imperative of esse fut indie act of rego and audio י Give the second person pres indie the pres infin perfect act and supine of sono-soleo-sero-reperio-cupio-patior -metier-morior-nascor Decline nolo and inquam in the present indicative 12 Give all the participles active and passive of laudo What participle belongs to deponent verbs alone Explain the use of the gerund and supines 13 Translate into Latin Of the animals -Of the youths juvenis By the daugh- ters filia -By the men vir -Ο my son -Ο happy gods If you praised laudo -Let us praise -He is better than the others -His brother will read this book -Have you read the book -Each of us -All of us You may go -You ought to go -Not even the richest would buy this house When will you come to see me -He gave his brother some money We must obey the king -Take care not to do this -You ought to have come sooner teach you the art of teaching language -Scipio was living at Carthage but is
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