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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-737

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report xlix Robert Kerb for twenty-nine years Professor of Building Con- struction and Architecture James William Groves for six years member of the School now Professor of Botany George William Bell formerly Student and for nine years Vice-Oh airman of King's College Hospital Robert Etherihge Assistant-Keeper of the Geological Department of the British Museum in acknowledgment of his valuable and generous services in arranging the collection of fossils belonging to the College Banister Fletcher Professor of Building Con- struction and Architecture late Master of the Carpenters' Company The Council have to deplore the loss during the year of their Chairman the late Archbishop of York Dr Thomson and on the eve of the meeting of this Court they have to lament the premature death of his successor Dr Magee who had just begun to show kindly interest in the work of the College They must specially record their grateful sense of Dr Thomson's services to the College His wisdom good judgment and energy were always exerted heartily in their assistance in any emergency and he not unfrequently found time to attend their ordinary meetings They hear with great regret on the eve of this Court of the death of Earl Powis one of the Life Governors of the College He took most kindly interest in all that concerned the College and its Hospital he not unfrequently attended the Council and his public influence was always at the service of the institution The Council also lament very deeply the death of the late Dean of Wells It may be doubted whether any man of his distinction has rendered such long and generous services to the College from the day when he became Chaplain in 1846 to his resignation of the Chair of New Testament Exegesis in 1881 He has conferred honour on the College by his public services his influence on several generations of students was invaluable and the Council are deeply sensible of loss as one of their advisers In his place they are happy to sav that the former eminent Principal of the Colleg
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