Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 730
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xlii report -The Medical Department shows some increase in numbers and is in as satisfactory condition as can be expected while London Medical Students labour under the disadvantage entailed on them by the lack of reasonable facilities for obtaining Medical Degrees in the metropolis The resources of the Department for scientific instruc- tion especially of an advanced character have been con- siderably augmented during the year by the opening of three new Laboratories one for the study of public health and hygiene under Professor Smith one for neuro- pathology under Professor Ferrier and third for surgical pathology under Professor Cheyne The construction of these Laboratories has involved the sacrifice of about dozen rooms for Resident Students but they were essential to the advancement of the Medical School and will permanently contribute to its usefulness With the commencement of the Medical Session in May they will be in working order The Council have great satisfaction in learning from the Com- mittee of Management of the Hospital that that Institution is now restored to full efficiency both the wards which were closed in the winter of 1885 having been reopened during the past year Strenuous efforts will however still be required on the part of all friends of the College and Hospital to maintain it in this position and the Council must record their thanks to the Lord Mayor for his kindness in pre- siding over the Annual Festival which has just been success- fully held and in this as in various other matters giving the College and the Hospital the benefit of his generous support On the Medical staff Professor Ferrier and Professor Curnow after long period of valuable service in the care of out-patients have been relieved of that duty and have had larger number of beds assigned to them in the wards In their place on the out-patient staff the Council have pointed as Assistant-Physician Sir Hugh Beevor Bart who has for several years been Medical Censor to the College Mr Martin who for some years has rendered valuable service as Demonstrator in Physiology received lately the
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