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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-72

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08 The object of this Department of King's College to provide system of sound Theological Instruction fo young men who propose to offer themselves as Candidate Cor 11 ly Orders This Department is under the special superintendence the Principal and the Vice-Principal is the Dean of Department The course of teaching includes the follow Oogmatic Theology and Rev jjt W4 ce Principn Κ01 tie noes Rev Stanley Leahies Hebrew anil the "Exegesis Professor of the Old Testament Rev Λ McCaul Lec- turer tame Rev CurteiSjM Pro fessor Exegesis of the'New Tes Rev Knowling Vice-Principal Rev Danikll Lecturer Rev Fuller TT Professor Eeekstasheal Htstoiy Hcle βΑ Lecturer ft Pastoral and Utnnjical Rev Shuttlewokt Theology Μ Α Professor Rev McCaul Μ Latin Lecturer
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