Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 608
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RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS All College rules remain in force during vacation so far as they are applicable Hall dinner is at 10 on weekdays and 30 on Sundays and holidays Students are required to be punc- tual at dinner and must not leave the Hall before grace is said except on special occasion and by permission of the High Table Leave from the Vice-Principal is required for wine or supper-party and no such party may be continued after 12 No piano is to be played in College rooms after 11 10 Students who are prevented from attending Chapel Lectures or Classes are required to notify the fact imme- diately and the reason to the Vice-Principal In any case of illness notice must also be sent to the Medical Censor 11 Resident Students are required to wear their Academical dress in Chapel in Hall and when calling on the Principal Vice-Principal or Medical Censor 12 Smoking is strictly forbidden in Hall and on the Stair- cases and is not allowed in the Common Room before 13 No ladies are admitted to College Rooms except by previous written permission from the Vice-Principal or Medical Censor and with the written consent of the Student's Parent or Guardian 14 Students are required to attend Divine Service in the morning on both week-days and Sundays unless expressly exempted The hours of service are as follows Sundays -Holy Communion 30 Week-days -Morning Prayer 10 Students desirous of joining the Choir are requested to communicate with the Vice-Principal 15 The Terrace is open to Resident Students up to Hall- time in winter and to in summer and the key may be obtained from the Porter
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