Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 525
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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 519 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 There is Preliminary Examination in the first three of the above subjects Books required -Brook-Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s 6rZ Hunter's Self-Instruction in Book-keeping required by beginners Longmans 2s Hamilton and Ball's Book- keeping required by advanced Students Macmillan 2s King's College Indexing 9c to be had at the College by Students only King's College Digesting Returns into Sum- maries 4i to be had at the College by Students only King's College Arithmetic and Book-keeping Papers 9d to be had at the College by Students only King's College Arithmetic Exercises 5d to be had at the College by Students only Recommended Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6d Ransome's Short History of England Long- mans 3s 6c7 High School Manual of Geography Allinan 3s Skertchley's Physical Geography Murby Is but those λνΐιο have Mackay's Physiography can use that Collins's Progressive Atlas Is 6d Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6i Abbott's How to Write Clearly for Com- ן position Seeley Is King's College Tots 6d to be had at the College by Students only Second Division Clerks -Candidates must be between 17 and 20 About nine-tenths of the Appointments are in London Second Division Clerks rise by annual increments of £5 from £10 to £100 by £7 10s to £190 by £10 to £350 and may reach certain Staff appointments with higher salaries reserved for Second Division Clerks They may after eight years' service be promoted exceptionally to the First Division They are at any time eligible for the open Competitions for the First Division and all other Appoint- ments if between the prescribed limits of age and the upper limit is extended in favour of persons already in the service see on page 514 London County Council Clerkships -Age 17 to 21 Obliga- tory Subjects Handwriting and Orthography maximum marks attainable 150 English Composition 150 Arithmetic
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