Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 519
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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSFS 513 Excise Appointments -Excise Appointments age 19-22 salary £80 to £250 with very fair prospect of rising to £400 and many still higher salaries are scattered over the United Kingdom and present greater variety of duties- not exclusively clerical candidate for Second Division Clerkship becoming over age without obtaining an appoint- ment and still wishing to enter the Civil Service cannot do better than compete for an Excise appointment the value of which is equal nearly to that of Second Division Clerkship Out-door Customs Appointments -Candidates who are too old for the Excise have the Out-door Department of the Customs open to them age 19-25 salary £hb to £100 with good chance of promotion to higher appointments No one who has not robust constitution should enter this service for the hours are very irregular and the duties involve much exposure But it will be seen page 524 that the higher appointments to which they lead are very good On the whole perhaps the prospects in the Customs are now as good as in the Excise Higher Appointments -First Division Clerkships commenc- ing salaries from £150 to £250 are only gained by passing the most difficult of all Civil Service Examinations As most of them are gained by University men it is clear that if candidate is to have the best possible chance of success his school or college education ought not to be interrupted except for special preparation for this examination Success in the First Division Examination is however by no means impossible to an able and hard-working Student who leaves College at 17 or 18 and being obliged to take employment becomes Second Division Clerk and devotes himself assidu- ously to his preparatory studies in his evenings But besides First Division there are other valuable appoint- ments such as Eastern Cadetships Student Interpreterships9 &c see Division II of this Department with Examinations of considerably less difficulty and an able and studious Second Division Clerk making full use of his spare time would have good prospect of ultimately obtaining one of
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