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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-469

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EVENING CLASSES 468 Solid Geometry י The Principles of Projection-Projection of Solids parallel to or at an angle with the Vertical and Horizontal Plane and their Sections-Isometric Pro- jection-Perspective Projection of Solids parallel to or at an angle with the Vertical or Horizontal Planes MECHANICAL DRAWING The Parts of Machines in common use as Riveted Joints-Forms of Rivets and their arrangement in Lap and Butt Joints-Angle Irons-Bolts Studs and Set Screws their forms and proportions-Pins Keys Cotters Pipes and Cylinders-Shafting-Simple forms of Coupling-Pedestals-Links and Con necting Rods-Pistons and Stuffing-boxes-Valves-Spur Bevel Drum Cam Wheels-Drawing to Scale from models and from actual machines WRITING Jones Class from to Wednesday CHEMISTRY ELEMENTARY Johnson These lectures on the Νον-Metalltc Elements are arranged for Students preparing for the London University Matriculation Examination Lectures from to OHEMISTRY TutorialClass for Intermed Sc Johnson -This Class will only be held if at least six enter for it and on the day found most convenient Lecture from to GREEK TESTAMENT Rev Blomfield Jackson Lectures from 30 to ENGLISH History and Grammatical Structure זז iJJV τ ATTT -r of the Language Analysis of Heath ba Sentences-Composition י Lectures from 30 to ENGLISH LITERATURE Geare Lectures from to This will be continuation of the Winter Classes for the 1st Examina tion COMMERCE Professor Gault Lectures from to Principal Exports and Imports of the United Kingdom--Shipping-Money -Negotiable Instruments-Banking-Foreign Exchanges- Insurance- Board of Trade and Chambers of Commerce-Books used in Commerce COMMERCIAL LAW Professor Gault Lectures from to Formation of Contracts-The Parties -Contract of Sale Statute of Frauds Delivery Lien Stoppage in transitu-Warranty-Contracts of Guarantee Bail- ment and with Carriers-Partnership-Debtor and Creditor Statute of Limi tations-Liquidation-Arbitration and Bankruptcy-Bills of Exchange Act Fee for either course £1 Is for both £1 lis Gd
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