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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-443

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EVENING CLASSES 437 Reading-Prose D'Azeglio's "Ettore Fiera- mosca and Alfieri's "Vita Poetry Dante's La Div in Com media and Manzoni's "Adelchi Translation into Italian from Perini's Ex- tracts in English Prose" Hachette Italian Conversation ower Division Exercises from Perini's tItalian Conversa- tion Grammar" Hachette Reading-Perini's First Italian Reading- Book Hachette and the first chapters of Promessi Sposi" Perini's edition Hachette 26 LATIN -Three Classes Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to hirst Division -Michaelmas Cassar de Bell Gall VI Latin Grammar and Exercises Sted- man's Latin Examination Ques- tions Allen's Latin Grammar Lent Horace Satires Latin Grammar and Composition Books recommended in addition to the above Abbott's Latin Prose through English Idiom Seeley Gow's Companion to School Classics" Macmillan Haigh and Gepp's Latin Dictionary Rivington's or Lewis and Short's Larger Dictionary ×™ Subject for tlie London Matriculation Examination January 1892 Subject for the London Intermediate Ex July 1892 Assistance will be given to Candidates for these Examinations by papers on 1e subjects which are not read in class
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