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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-430

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424 evening classes Plane Geometry Construction of Plane and Diagonal Scales-Construction of Regular Polygons on given side or within Circle- Reduction of Rectilinear Figure to Triangle or Quadri- lateral-Construction of Figures of given areas of similar and proportional areas-Problems relating to straight line and Circle-Inscribed and Described Figures Solid Geometry The Principles of Projection-Projection of Solids parallel to or at an angle with the Vertical and Horizontal Plane and their Sections-Isometric Projection-Perspective Projection of Solids parallel to or at an angle with the Vertical or Horizontal Planes Projection of Shadows cast by the Sun or artificial light Mechanical Drawing The Parts of Machines in common use as Riveted Joints -Forms of Rivets and their arrangement in Lap and Butt Joints-Angle Irons-Bolts Studs and Set Screws their forms and proportions-Pins Keys Cotters Pipes and Cylinders-Shafting-Simple Forms of Con ling-Pedestals -Links and Connecting Rods-Pistons and Stuffing-boxes- Valves-Spur Bevel Drum Cam Wheels-Drawing to Scale from models and from actual machines 11 ENGLISH LANGUAGE GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to Subjects will be History of the Language Ety- mology Analysis &c Principles of Composition These almost universal subjects apply to the following Examinations Home Civil Class India Civil Eastern
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