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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-428

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422 EVENING CLASSES The value of the Prizes depends upon the contributions made to the Fund by the different Banks but twelve Prizes are usual ν awarded Certificates of Distinction and Merit are awarded to those gaining more than seventy-five and sixty marks respectively who do not obtain Prizes No Prizeman of former year can gain the same or lower Prize in subsequent year The place in the Prize-list not the value of the Prize is to be regarded COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PRACTICAL BIOLOGY ANIMAL Day and Hours of Attendance-Thursday from to and to In this Course the requirements of Candidates for the London University Intermediate Sc and Prelim Sc Exams will be specially considered and the animals forming the subject of investigation will be those included in the Univer- sity Syllabus viz -Amoeba Vorticella Earth-worm Fresh- water Mussel Crayfish Amphioxus Dog-fish Frog Rabbit and Dog skull of The Course commences in October and is continued until July During the winter from to lecture-demonstration will begiven and from to the Students will personally dissect and examine the above animals The first two months will be devoted to the study of the Frog as an introduction to Anatomy Physiology and His- tology afterwards the animals will be considered in the above-named order In the summer the class meets from 30 to and con- tinues the work of the winter session The Course throughout will be illustrated by Museum Specimens Dissections and Microscopic Preparations The fee exclusive of animals for dissection Winter Course £4 Summer Course Or both Courses if paid in advance
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