Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 425
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Page content
EVENING CLASSES 419 Silicon -Silica and Silicate-Composition of Glass Potassium-Sodium Calcium-Strontium-Barium Magnesium-Zinc-Cadmium Lead-Silver-Copper-Mercury Manganese-Iron-Cobalt -Nickel-Chromium Aluminium Bismuth-Tin Platinum-Gold BOOKS RECOMMENDED Roscoe's Elementary Chemistry Thorpe's Inorganic Chemistry-Non-Metals Sixth edition BloxanVs Chemistry Seventh edition PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Day and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday from to Course of Demonstrations on Analytical Chemistry including- Course of Practical Chemistry sufficient for the re- quirements of the Sc the Preliminary the Medical and other Examinations The Qualitative Analysis of Complex Solutions and the Blowpipe Analysis of Minerals Such examples in Gravimetric and Volumetric Quanti- tative work as the Analysis of Crystalline Salts the Esti- mation of Acids and Alkalis of Iron in Iron Gres and Chlorine in Bleaching Powder &c The number of Students who can attend this more ad- vanced class is limited This Course lasts from Gctober to March and is continued in the Summer Session DD2
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