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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-407

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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 401 ASTRONOMY By Day Free Introductory Lecture on An Evening Visit to Modern Observatory will be delivered on October 12th at Γ Μ Monday 4-5 Michaelmas Term 1891 The Moon the Giant Planets and the Sun The Moon its Aspect to the Naked Eye-Its Size and Motions-Explanation of the Moon's Phases-The Moon and the Tides-The Use of the Moon in Navigation-The Moon's Influence on the Weather-Its Aspect when viewed through Large Telescope-The seas or Maria-Principal Mountain Chains-Character of the Lunar Mountains- Terrestrial Analogies-Absence of Air and Water on the Moon's Surface -The Moon's Climate-Lunar Photography The Giant Planets-Their Apparent and Real Motions- Physical description of Jupiter-Dark and Light Belts on the Disk-Jupiter's Moons-Their Movements Distances and Real Dimensions Saturn and his Ring System-Probable Nature of the Rings-Celestial Phenomena to an Inhabitant of the Planet- Discovery of Uranus in the last Century-Its Apparent and Real Dimensions-Its Satellites and their Movements- Discovery of Neptune -Early Observations of the Planet- Trans-Neptunian Planets The Sun its Size Distance and Mass-Sunspots and their Nature-Solar Photography-The Sun's Light and Heat
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