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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-377

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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 371 SPECIAL COURSE OF SIX LECTURES On the USES OF STATISTICS Will be given by EDGEWORTH Professor of Political Economy at the University of Oxford During the Michaelmas Term on Mondays 2-3 Commencing Monday November 2nd In this short course of lectures it will be attempted to describe summarily the nature and purpose of ordinary official statistics such as the Census and the Reports of the Registrar-General of Births Deaths and Marriages Students are advised to read in connexion with these lectures the General Report of the Census of England and Wales 1881 Parliamentary Papers C-3797 Price Is Ad This docu- ment being taken as text-book together with such returns pertaining to the Census of 1891 as shall have been issued at the time of the lectures it is proposed to discuss the following topics The growth of English-speaking populations during the last half century and how that growth may have affected the political balance between them as between the United Kingdom and the Colonies or between Great Britain and Ireland -The natural increase of population births minus deaths how far and why large death-rate accom- panies large birth-rate -The causes of variations in death-
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