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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-354

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348 department for ladies Lectures are Given and Classes are Held for Ladies at 13 Kensington Square under the direction of the Council of King's College London They form Depart- ment of the College and the Committee Lecturers and Teachers are appointed by the Council Academical Year The academical year extends from October to the first or second week of July with short vacation at Christmas and Easter The Prince of Wales's Birthday Ascension Day and Whit-Monday are kept as Holidays in this Department Fees for Attendance The fees for attendance are Guinea Term for each Class except where otherwise stated under the respective subjects These fees are reduced by one-third to Ladies engaged in teaching except for the classes included under the head of Music mu All payments must be made in advance Students are usually admitted after the age of 16 but younger students may attend with the special sanction of the Principal especially for musical instruction The Committee desire it to be understood that any course of lectures may be attended for single term tho tickets being issued each term Examinations and Certificates Written Examinations are held at the conclusion of each Term but attendance at such Examinations is voluntary Certificates will be given to those students who have attended regularly and passed Examinations satisfactorily for
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