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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-22

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18 Sing's College Konfcon toa$ fouirtrt in 1828 iaonai Charter anU foag re uuorpovatrt by let parliament in 1882 ϊμ follotoing is an extract from tl Monal Charter rnnfirmett by College $ct of parliament Sec &ηΐί toe 110 fjercbp tofll and ordain tfjat tf Various branches of literature and tinutt and also tbe octrines and Duties of Jlljristiamtp as tl same are inculcated bn tbe $nited Cburcij of England and Ercland sfjall be taugftf in tl said College under superintendence of principal or otfjer eadf professors and tutors or sucf otljcr Masters or instructors as shall from itine to time be appointed in tbe manner hereinafter mentioned
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