Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 205
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ENGINEERING 199 XII The Preparation of Alloys and the study of their properties XIII Electro-metallurgy XIV The Applications of the Spectroscope and the Micro- scope to Metallurgical Research 13 The Siemens Electrical Engineering Laboratory Wednesday 15-4 Saturday 10- After two years passed in the Engineering Department of the College in obtaining the general training that is necessary to enable Students to successfully follow Electrical Engineer- ing they are admitted to the special course of lectures and laboratory work and must produce qualifying certificates from the Professors of Physics Chemistry and Mathematics Occasional Students producing the same qualifying cer- tificates as are mentioned in the preceding clause or other evidence of equal proficiency in these subjects are admitted to this course The Laboratory will be open throughout the week for advanced Students whose preparation must qualify them for conducting original researches under advice and direction of the Professor The Laboratory contains Steam-engine and Boiler Direct and Alternate Current Dynamos of latest design large Re- sistances and is thoroughly equipped with instruments of newest construction It is fitted with large set of Accu- mulators and Students are enabled to study every branch of Electrical Engineering The Prizes and Certificates given in this subject depend partly on written and partly on practical examination Visits to Works in or near London will be arranged from time to time of which due notice will be given
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