Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 171
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DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE 107 Meetings being the demonstration with experiments of the more prominent facts in the communications The Annual Subscription is Five Shillings Candidates for Membership should make application for further particulars to the Hon Secretary NAMES OF STUDENTS Attending the whole course of the Department of Science or the Preliminary Science Course Bailey Ernest Castleigh Bell William Blair Clifford Frank Charles East William Norwood Good Hard man A1 good Gott Jeffrey Hamilton John James Lansdown Gilbert Harry Pierce George Oliver Saunders Edward Mells Schaub Justus Martin Turner Philip OCCASIONAL STUDENTS Including those attending Mathematics Natural Philosophy Practical Physics Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and other Subjects of the Β Sc and Preli ninary Scientific Courses Adams William Grylls Ashton Edward Atkinson William Bain Arthur Pennington Bartlett Beahan James Berncastel Richard Blair Robert Blyth Meredith Boiiton Vincent Joseph Brown Ernest Brown Frank Russell Burbidge James Kerry Burnett Arthur Burr Raymond Arthur Carr Cartwright Frederick Steward Catto Alfred John Chaplin Μ Crawfurd Raymond Cundy Charles Edward Curtis Spencer Carey Dawkins Richard McG Do Μ Edwards Charles William Fadelle Robert Rainy Faux Charles Fletcher Phillips
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