Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 156
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152 department of science those who are studying Chemistry for the sake of general information and as part of liberal education Course of between Fifty and Sixty Lectures by the Professor carried on during the whole Academical Year This course is of such character that Students may enter without serious disadvantage at the commencement of either of the College Terms though it is strongly recommended that the Course be taken up in the Michaelmas Term On Tuesday and Friday from 10 20 till 11 20 III For Students who require additional instruction in Chemistry Course of Ten or Twelve Lec ures in each Term is given by the Demonstrator On Friday from 12 15 till This Course is specially fitted for the Matriculation Exam- nation at the London University Practical Chemistry Tuesday and Friday 10 20-11 40 Students of the Second Year attend in the Laboratory twice week and go through Course of Chemical Analysis both by liquid tests and the blow-pipe Other Students of this Department may be admitted to this Class at any period of their study on payment of the usual extra fee The text-book used in this Course is Bloxam's "Laboratory Teaching Analytical Chemistry Students of the Third Year have additional opportunities of studying Chemistry by entering the Laboratory of Analytical and Experimental Chemistry for which the above Laboratory Course forms suitable preparation For the principal subjects to which attention is given in this Laboratory see 247 For Fees see 160 ן Students proceeding to the Degrees of Sc and Sc are advised to join this Laboratory The Laboratory is open daily from 10 111 till except on Saturdays when it closes at
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